Soartex Fanver
Soartex Fanver is a beautifully designed realistic texture pack and is an updated version of the discontinued Soartex pack.
SimpleCraft, as the name suggests, is a very simple texture pack with straight lines and solid colours.
KayneCraft is a vibrant texture pack with a consistent and very distinctive cartoon theme.
Xenocontendi is a bright and cheerful pack that stays true to the original Minecraft textures.
VonDoomCraft is a 128x128 horror themed texture pack with some scary custom mobs and an overall dark feel.
Dragon Dance
Dragon Dance is another fantastic RPG themed texture pack from Steelfeathers with the usual warm feel and vibrant colours, but this time on more detailed 64x64 textures.
Vaultcraft is a 32x32 texture pack designed to resemble many aspects of Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.